How can I find out how much a candidate is spending?
To find campaign finance information, specifically, campaign spending (expenditures/disbursements), consult the following source:
Candidate & Committee Viewer:
The Candidate and Committee Viewer allows you to search for and find any candidate, political committee, independent expender or other campaign finance report filer. The viewer includes two-year summaries, report summaries, images of reports and statements and viewable and downloadable electronic filings all in one place.
Individual Search:
Search for contributions made by individuals using contributor name, city, state, zip code, principal place of business, date, and amount.
Non-governmental website:
OpenSecrets.Org -
Under POLITICIANS & ELECTIONS tab, offers information on Joint Fundraising Committees, Personal Finances, Outside Spending, Megadonors, Expenditures, Dark Money, and a Donor Lookup option.
List of campaign finance links:
Profiles issues and follows the contributions to elected officials by parties of interest on the following topics such as gun rights, marijuana, defense, banking, and climate change among others:
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