We have many Research Databases that provide access to peer-reviewed (or "refereed") scholarly journal articles.
These articles are critically reviewed prior to publication by experts.
To locate peer-reviewed articles in library databases:
- Click on the Browse the A - Z List oF Databases located below the Discovery search box, on the library database: https://libguides.hofstra.edu/hulhome
- As implied, the databases are listed in alphabetical order. You can access databases either by subject area or alphabetically by name of database.
- Many of these databases provide a box that you can check to search for peer-reviewed articles (Academic Search Premier, Worldwide Political Science Abstracts, Sociological Abstracts, PsychInfo, ERIC are few examples). Some databases only contain peer-reviewed articles (JStor, Project Muse, Oxford Academic Journals, Cambridge Journals Online, and Science Direct).
- DISCOVERY system will search across most of our databases in a single search. Once in the system, you can filter your search results to peer-reviewed journal articles by using the filters on the left side of the screen: https://hofstra.on.worldcat.org/advancedsearch.