You may determine the what the grade level is of a specific book or find books on a particular grade/reading level by:
- Consult the book, The Fountas and Pinnell leveled book list K-8+. This book is held at the Axinn Reference Desk. The call number is LB1573 .F638 2006. A librarian can assist you with accessing this book which may be searched by the title of a children's book to determine the reading level of that book.
- Looking at the call numbers on children’s books in the CMC collection. All of these books have letters at the end of the call number to indicate the general recommended reading level: E= Early (pre-K to K), P=gr. 1-3, I=gr. 4-6, MS/JH=gr. 6-8, HS=gr. 9+.
- Using the Novelist K-8 database which is available in most public library or school library database offerings.